Sami Tähtinen

Chief Architect, Youredi

Blog Posts by Sami Tähtinen

Sami Tähtinen 19.07.2021 8 min read

Diving into Avanto

Over the past more than 20 years that I have been working in the systems integration ...
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Sami Tähtinen 23.02.2021 11 min read

Value-Added Networks (VANs) on the Oxen Road

In Finland, there are a lot of summer houses – approximately one summer house per ten ...
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Sami Tähtinen 27.10.2020 7 min read

Tuning the world’s most complex engine

The modern world, as we know it, relies on the reliable and predictable flow of goods ...
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Sami Tähtinen 14.07.2020 7 min read

From power sockets into shipping events

I was cleaning up my laptop bag the other day. Among all random trash I found my old and ...
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Sami Tähtinen 09.06.2020 8 min read

Do you want to build your own hammers?

It’s interesting to live in the integration space between modern and legacy business ...
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Sami Tähtinen 05.05.2020 6 min read

iPaaS is an iPaaS – or is it?

There are a lot of iPaaS vendors out there to select your integration platform from. To a ...
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Sami Tähtinen 17.12.2019 7 min read

Modern EDI Part 2

This is the second part of our blog describing the changing landscape of EDI. In the ...
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Sami Tähtinen 17.12.2019 11 min read

Modern EDI Part 1

EDI is extremely important for global business, as it automatizes the workflows of the ...
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Sami Tähtinen 25.04.2018 10 min read

5 Things That Distinguish Our Integration Platform From Others

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Sami Tähtinen 04.05.2017 14 min read

Blockchain is Not the Ultimate Answer to All Integrations

Blockchain has been receiving a lot of interest in our industry. The blockchain ...
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Sami Tähtinen 07.10.2016 8 min read

5 Step Guide To Creating An Integration Platform: Part 5

When I wrote the first part of this series, we were developing our mid- and long-term ...
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Sami Tähtinen 19.09.2016 10 min read

5 Step Guide To Creating An Integration Platform: Part 4

Throughout my blog series we have discussed the principles of creating an integration ...
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