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Case Study: Top 10 Leading Ocean Carrier Enhances the Efficiency of Its Services Through Innovative Data-Integration Solutions

Written by Andrei Radchenko | 28.02.2024

This case study explores how one of the top 10 ocean carriers improved its service efficiency by choosing modern data connectivity and process integration solutions over a legacy ocean booking platform.


The case company, one of the top 10 leading ocean carriers, historically provided its shipping services through a legacy ocean booking platform and web portal available on the company’s website. 

Clients interested in this company’s services utilized these communication means to create bookings and manage freight shipments. However, growing dissatisfaction among clients over the booking platform and limitations of the portal prompted the company to seek alternative options that would guarantee better service delivery and enhanced efficiency. However, as the company started to look for alternatives, it faced unique challenges.


Upon recognizing the need to transition from its current booking platform, the carrier sought to offer direct integrations to its clients. However, building these integrations was not straightforward, particularly due to the unconventional proprietary data standard employed by the company for data exchanges with its clients.

Unlike other ocean carriers using EDIFACT, the case company used a specific in-house data standard that complicated the direct data integration process for its clients. This specific intricacy was one of the reasons why many clients preferred communication via the booking platform over building direct integrations. As the platform allowed them to convert EDIFACT messages to the company's data format internally with no effort, it was the best option. However, due to a growing dissatisfaction with the platform, primarily due to the new pricing model and customer service issues, it can no longer be called the best approach.  


To overcome the aforementioned integration challenge, the company decided to embark on a strategic partnership with Youredi, which is committed to providing a comprehensive solution that strengthens data exchange capabilities as well as streamlines the onboarding process for both existing and new partners and customers. 

The scope of the message types covered by the solution encompasses various integrations, including bookings, booking confirmations, shipping instructions, T&T (Track and Trace), and verified gross mass. The key feature of the solution is dynamic data harmonization and technical adoption that ensure a seamless exchange of data between the carrier's systems and those of its customers, guaranteeing data delivery in a format that is tailored to the customers’ individual requirements without the need for making any adjustments to TMS, FMS, ERP, or any other systems that the customers use. 

An additional feature of Youredi's solution is its versatility. Hence, apart from being capable of digesting EDIFACT-like messages, this solution also works seamlessly with APIs in both roles (either as an API client or API provider). This flexibility opened new opportunities for the carrier and its clients, allowing for more diverse and efficient data exchange methods.  

In addition, to open a door for a number of freight forwarders who are using the CargoWise platform for their operations, it was agreed to build integration with the platform as part of this collaboration.  

Youredi's solution ensures that any data that is vital for the company and its clients flows seamlessly between systems, despite disparities in technical standards. So, whether the message came from CargoWise (EDIFACT), direct integrations (ANSI X12), or via API (JSON), it will be automatically harmonized to match the case with the shipping line’s in-house data format and vice versa, which enables a fully automated end-to-end booking cycle (including real-time T&T). 

Now, for all businesses interested in the ocean freight services provided by this shipping line, in addition to the web portal and legacy booking platform, the shipping line offers fully managed direct integrations that can be requested through a dedicated page hosted on Youredi's website. The connectivity request process is straightforward and user-friendly, enabling businesses to define their desired data scope and select their preferred integration technology with ease.


Our client has become one of a few carriers that offer the entire booking cycle through modern APIs as well as legacy interfaces, such as EDIFACT or Ansi x12 (if the customer prefers). 

This collaboration resulted in a robust solution that not only addressed the technical challenges posed by the customer's unique data standard, but also opened up new possibilities for both the shipping line and its clients. The streamlined process for clients to request connectivity and the expertise of the integration team contributed to a smoother onboarding experience. 

By rapidly deploying this innovative and cost-efficient solution, the carrier successfully transitioned from the limitations of its web portal and legacy booking platform, offering its clients enhanced services, greater flexibility, and improved data-integration capabilities. This case exemplifies how strategic partnerships and innovative solutions can overcome complex challenges in the shipping industry to ultimately benefit companies as well as their clients. 


Leaving Legacy Solutions Behind - Join the Global Movement!

The global ocean shipping industry currently stands at a pivotal moment. While legacy ocean shipping platforms have served as reliable workhorses for the industry, the call for innovation is resounding. Modern alternatives offer a pathway forward that retains the advantages of established networks while addressing challenges with inefficiency and vulnerability. 

Get in touch with Youredi’s integration experts to start planning the next steps to migrate your ocean connectivity into the modern age. Kindly keep in mind that you are not alone on this journey.

Discover more in our blog: 

- It’s Time to Modernize Legacy Ocean Trade and Container-shipping Platforms