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Addressing US-CBP Cargo XML submission of Export manifests

Written by Dean Baxter | 18.08.2016

For the Air Cargo industry and International Air Transport Association (IATA), this is a good win. The continuation of the e-freight initiative and the support from the US Customs and Border Protection Agency (US-CBP) to allow for the submission of an electronic Export Flight manifest using Cargo-XML is a big help. The electronic export manifest process will help eliminate costly and a time consuming paper process. More importantly, it allows the US-CBP to identify compliant and non-compliant shipments early. Carriers can now be quickly notified of shipments that need US-CBP examination. This allows carriers to better plan movements and aircraft loading.

The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Agency is looking to reduce the number of message formats by migrating to a Cargo-XML messaging standard set by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). For the Air Cargo industry, US-CBP is looking to use Cargo-XML to collect, in advance, cross-border information on US exports. The new data format simplifies electronic communication between CBP’s Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) system, airlines and other air cargo stakeholders. Currently US-CBP supports Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) message formats for processing international import, export cargo and cargo release information.

Historically, the manifest has been coded in the Cargo-IMP standard (EDI). This will still be allowed, but US-CBP will be transitioning to Cargo-XML over time. No deadline has been confirmed yet for the final migration. What it does mean is that Carriers should now be providing the Flight Manifest in Cargo-XML. IATA Cargo-IMP development and versions have been stopped, with the latest being the 34th edition.

Although initially focusing on the Export manifest, the import manifest will follow as the next document to use the Cargo-XML standard format.

The US-CBP with more than 20 formats across all modes of transport, is working to reduce the number of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) message formats currently supported to process international import, export cargo and cargo release information.

The Cargo-XML initiative and direction by the US-CBP will improve air cargo supply chain efficiencies and shipments in and out of the US.

At Youredi we are simplifying this process for carriers by enriching data, so that regardless of the format they are using, a Cargo-XML export manifest can be sent to the US-CBP. Companies are looking to implement a solution quickly and easily, without the considerable cost and time involvement. The future of digitization is about capability, simplicity and cost. This with enable the air cargo stakeholders to be more efficient and increase margins.