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COVID-19 update from Youredi

Written by Jaakko Elovaara | Mar 16, 2020 5:09:00 PM

Dear colleagues, customers, and partners.

COVID-19 situation has changed the world. We all need to take action and minimize the worldwide damage the virus is causing, but at the same time ensure that its effects on the society and essential services will be as small as possible.

We at Youredi are taking precautions similar to those that numerous organizations are taking. For instance, at the time being, we have banned all international business travel and promoting remote working unless absolutely necessary. We are keeping face-to-face meetings with our customers and partners to absolute minimum.

We are one of the service providers helping and mainly focusing on the logistics and supply chain industries that will be impacted by the current situation, we keep our support & experts available throughout the digital channels for our customers.

With these precautions, we aim to ensure that all our services - from professional services to platform support - will continue working normally in this unforeseen situation.

Technologies once considered a luxury - remote meetings and collaboration tools - are today available to everyone. For us working in the information industry, it has never been a better time to take responsible action and utilize these tools in an increased manner.

Not all industries are in a situation where remote working and collaboration is a viable option, but in IT it often is. We are confident that our colleagues in the industry share these thoughts, and we hope that together we can do our part in slowing down the spreading of this unfortunate disease.


Best regards
Jaakko Elovaara
Chief Executive Officer