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Youredi connects carriers to New York Shipping Exchange (NYSHEX) platform in real time

Written by Jaakko Elovaara | Mar 2, 2020 1:00:00 PM

The New York Shipping Exchange (NYSHEX) provides the process and technology which supports clarity of terms, visibility of performance and resolution of exceptions for enforceable ocean contracts. Youredi handles booking and container tracking related data so that NYSHEX can help both parties monitor performance against mutual commitments. The partnership began already in 2016 and has continued ever since.

 Some of the major challenges in logistics and supply chain are about contract and performance management. Youredi has helped several logistics and supply chain operators to harmonize the large amount of data operated between different systems and trading partners. In the past three years Youredi has built supply chain and logistics specific requirements to their iPaaS solution. These features can also be used as the core of any platform as an OEM solution for integrations.

Today, Youredi provides onboarding as a service for New York Shipping Exchange (NYSHEX) speeding up the process of bringing on new carriers significantly. Youredi also harmonizes data moving between NYSHEX and carrier.


Yanzhi Hu, Vice President Operations at NYSHEX, says:

Our mission to drive reliability in ocean shipping depends on near real-time visibility into mutual contract performance. NYSHEX requires a consistent flow of data from reliable vendors like Youredi. The expertise and iPaaS platform which Youredi provides has enabled us to maintain a reliable flow of data and speed up new carrier onboarding."


Jaakko Elovaara, CEO of Youredi, said:

NYSHEX is a prime example of where the logistics industry is heading. Everything is connected, data is near real-time, and decisions are made objectively based on that data. EDI and other standards will live but they will be connected to the core business through vendors like we are. Customers do still struggle with the integration of platforms and we can clearly see that without proper support they will fail in most of their projects. NYSHEX is more than a customer to us. It’s a partnership where we deliver value, and our experts get really close to the information flows.


About New York Shipping Exchange

Founded in 2015, The New York Shipping Exchange (NYSHEX) is supporting the transformation of container shipping by solving inefficiencies associated with booking downfalls and shipment rollings. NYSHEX is determined to eliminate the distrust between shippers and carriers that has been created by the lack of accountability in ocean contracts. We believe greater accountability creates positive change that benefits both shippers and carriers.


About Youredi

Youredi is a global provider of a cloud-based Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) solution with a focus on global trade and logistics.

Youredi enables quick connections and message translations between trading partners and customers. Integrating with communities, carriers, shippers, consignees and the systems that they use, Youredi provides global scale, speed, and agility. This seamless real-time flow of 100% accurate data, provides organizations with the ability to analyze and optimize all supply chain processes.

Youredi operates globally from Finland, Germany and the USA. For more information visit or contact us at