Coneksion® Dec 20, 2017 1:07:00 PM 5 min read

Youredi on Ocean Logistics Digitalization in the Maritime Logistics Professional Magazine

Maritime Logistics Professional magazine is published six times annually. The magazine evolved from, the global maritime market's online connection for more than 29,000 executives. Each edition of Maritime Logistics Professional delivers insightful features, statistics, and analysis, covering international trade, logistics, the supply chain and how all of that impacts the global waterfront. Youredi was featured in the magazine's last issue of 2017.

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Youredi have been concentrating on ocean logistics digitalization. In a data-driven world, the global ocean shipping industry still relies on aging technology infrastructure and tailored systems with a variety of proprietary data formats. It is a barrier for real-time data sharing with all stakeholders. Our solutions help the industry to overcome inefficiencies that stand in the way of enable process automation, better data management, and sharing accurate data in real-time across the ecosystem.

Youredi Maritime Logistics Professional Magazine

“Much of the processes are still based on paper and human intervention. This is slowing down the operations and it is extremely expensive. With integrations, systems and applications can be connected rapidly. This helps to automate and digitalize processes, which is speeding up operations. The outcomes are clear: less manual labor means more efficient processes which is saving time and improve margins.” says Dean Baxter, SVP, Youredi.

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Youredi was featured in the Baltic Transport Journal. Learn how our integration solutions help the maritime industry to overcome its digitalization challenges.