Coneksion® News & Press

Youredi ranks among Finland's leading smart and green port technology solutions providers

Written by Coneksion® | Oct 6, 2022 8:24:37 AM

HELSINKI, Finland - October 6, 2022 –Youredi was featured among the leading Finnish solution providers for smart and green ports by Business Finland, the Finnish government organization for innovation funding and trade, travel and investment promotion.

Smart ports use innovative technologies and automation to optimize and improve their performance. A well-built digital infrastructure helps ports optimize their physical infrastructure, predict and prepare for future investment and maintenance needs as well as improve their everyday operational efficiency.

The Smart and Green Ports from Finland digital brochure outlines an overview of the country's leading technology companies, providing their expertise across the entire port logistics value chain.

Youredi, the leading provider of fully managed data integration solutions for logistics and the global supply chain, offers subscription-based, fully managed integration services increasing the efficiency of supply chain execution and visibility processes. These services cover information exchange for all logistics processes, from schedules, bookings, transport documents, tracking events, invoices, notifications, etc.

Youredi's unique service offering is based on its proprietary best-of-breed integration Platform as a Service technology – the Youredi iPaaS – combined with extensive logistics and global supply chain industry insight and experience. Being the trusted partner for major players of global supply chains, Youredi has the footprint and service - readiness needed to offer off-the-shelf logistics data connectivity services. At the same time, the Youredi iPaaS provides flexibility and efficiency to solve bespoke data and process integration use cases.

Besides Youredi, among companies listed in the brochure are VTT, One Sea Ecosystem, Aker Arctic, SteraLux, Fimpec, Dealcom, Goodmill, Nokia, Awake.AI BaseN, Boxbot, Futurice, Siili Solutions, Unikie, Wärtsilä, and many more.

For more information, visit or get your copy of the brochure by filling out the form below. 

The Smart and Green Ports from Finland digital brochure