Data integrations have traditionally been expensive. We wanted to change and make it accessible to organizations of all sizes. This is why we offer predictable prices for all integration cases.

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Know what you are paying for

We want to be transparent regarding the pricing so you know what to expect before you'd contact us.

No hidden fees, no surprises

You pay what we agreed on and no more. As your data volumes will be increasing, the unit price will start decreasing.

The best price on the market

Our customers have been able to save on their data integrations costs up to 70%.


Deployment Services

For developing and deploying the integration solution, we will charge you a one-time upfront fee or include it in the subscription.

Service Subscription

It can be based on data volumes or number of integrations. The more data you share through our service, the more the unit cost decreases.

Support Services

We offer four different levels for support to ensure that you can find the one that fits the requirements of your organization the most. 


How much will the deployment cost? Our aim is always to deploy your solution rapidly. Depending on the complexity of the project, the first integration can be deployed in under a few hours. More complex one can last anywhere between a few days or a few weeks. This obviously affects the price. We usually cap the costs for deployments. Our business is to provide an agile managed service to our customers at a reasonable price.
What do you mean under the service subscription? We base the service subscription pricing on the event volumes or the number of integrations. The more data you are transferring through the connections built on top of coneksion® iPaaS, the more favorable the pricing gets. Cost-efficiency and attractive service scaling are guaranteed. The platform and product upgrades are included, you won't be charged for upgrades.
How does the support work? You shouldn't spend time with maintaining the integrations, so we will do it for you! As the complexity of the different solutions may vary wildly, we offer five levels of support: Standard, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. We'll help you to choose the one that's best suits your needs.