We are proud of our excellent customer satisfaction results!

The results of our annual customer satisfaction survey

Being a customer-centric company, it is vital for us to receive honest feedback about our services and products. 

Once a year, we reach out to all those who have worked with the coneksion® implementation or support team to get feedback. Roughly half of the questions we ask are related to our Professional Services, and the other half are about our Support.

Through such a survey, we gain insight into our customer satisfaction level. With the results, we ensure we continually improve our service to strengthen our position as the leading provider of fully managed data integration services and solutions for logistics and the global supply chain.

Posted on May 6, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the results of our latest customer satisfaction survey.

This year, our customers gave us a satisfaction rating of 4.3 out of 5, and we are so grateful for such feedback and trust in coneksion®.
Youredi customer satisfaction results bar 2024

Some quotes from happy customers

These are just a few examples of what you - our customers - are saying about us.

Thank you all for the feedback and for being our customers. We are happy and proud to be your integration partner!

Do you have some questions regarding our services or want to provide us with your feedback??

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