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Coneksion® CargoWise Integration service

A one-stop solution to connect with CargoWise and enable automated execution and visibility

Are you a freight forwarder using CargoWise? Do you want to connect your customers or third-party systems to this platform? Or are you about to become a CargoWise customer but lack the resources to begin your integrations in-house?

The service we provide enables quick data connectivity and process integration between CargoWise and trading partners/systems of any type. This level of flexibility is ensured by coneksion® ecosystem of ready-made connections combined with a proprietary integration platform designed to bridge the gap between different technologies.

Some of the Messages You Can Exchange:

  • Schedules​
  • Tenders, bookings, confirmations, and orders​
  • Shipping instructions​
  • Shipping notices, stock updates, etc.​
  • Customs documents​- Supporting documents​
  • Track and Trace​
  • Notifications and deviation management​
  • Invoices



What Sets Us Apart

The solution we provide covers the information exchange for all major steps of the execution and visibility processes — from booking requests, transport documents, and sailing schedules to tracking events and invoices. 

Coneksion® combines the advantages of LogTech platforms and DIY integrations while avoiding their drawbacks, such as high costs and rigid product roadmaps.

A unique combination of integration expertise, an understanding of the domain's business needs, a vast ecosystem of pre-connected parties, and the flexibility of our proprietary integration platform (iPaaS) enables us to provide efficient solutions that help freight forwarders improve execution and visibility.

By leveraging coneksion's fully managed data connectivity service for CargoWise customers, you can rely on: 

  • Quick data connectivity and process integration between CargoWise and trading partners/systems of any type.  
  • Unmatched flexibility ensured by ready-made connections and customizable integrations of your choice. 
  • A turnkey solution that handles the design, deployment, and maintenance of your CargoWise integration

CargoWise Global Partner Network


Use Cases We can help you with

Do you have more integration challenges? If so, be sure to look into coneksion® RAPIDS! Coneksion® RAPIDS is a collection of ready-to-use solutions that you can start to benefit from straight away.

Data Aggregation

How can data be aggregated from multiple internal and external sources and be utilized in reporting, alerting, and notifications efficiently?

Helped by coneksion® RAPIDS, you can automate the connections between different systems, technologies, and software applications to break down data silos and aggregate vital data in one place timely.


Solutions we offer:

Coneksion® RAPIDS Track & Trace Data Connectivity (Ocean freight)

Coneksion® RAPIDS Track & Trace Data Connectivity (Air freight)


Logtech platforms connectivity

Being an official partner of TURVO TMS, CargoWise, Oracle Transportation Management, and many more, coneksion® offers solutions that allow you to enjoy the benefits of the platforms in full. 

Solutions we offer:

Coneksion® Solutions for TMS, WMS, and Other Supply Chain Management Solution

Logistics Service Providers (LSP) Data Connectivity for OTM Users

Data Connectivity Service For Turvo TMS Users 

inTEUtion B2C Portal Powered by coneksion®


Extending the functionality of your IT system

Extending your main IT system (TMS, TOS, etc.) by integrating functionalities from external applications or configuring some of the functionality as a part of our iPaaS solution.


Solutions we offer:

Coneksion® RAPIDS Order2invoice Data Connectivity

Coneksion® RAPIDS eBoL Solution Connectivity

Enhancing partner integration

Enhancing partner integration to heterogeneous partner interfaces, including EDI messaging, in-house formats, and API interfaces.

A new technological component, coneksion RAPIDS Service Bus, will integrate different participants - whether utilizing synchronous or asynchronous messaging - easily and efficiently.


Solutions we offer:

Coneksion® RAPIDS Track & Trace Data Connectivity (Ocean freight)

Coneksion® RAPIDS Track & Trace Data Connectivity (Air freight)

Coneksion® RAPIDS Ocean Booking Data Connectivity


Carrier Connectivity

If you're looking to integrate with a carrier that is not already part of the CargoWise ecosystem, you don't have to start from scratch. You can take advantage of coneksion's existing ecosystem, which includes a wide range of ocean, air, and road carriers, as well as the leading TMS (Transportation Management System) solutions used by these companies.

By doing so, you can significantly speed up your integration project and avoid the need for substantial investments in an in-house team of integration experts or the expensive software programs and technologies required for in-house development.

Learn More About the Ecosystem >>

Enrichment of Data Using Multiple Sources

Sometimes, a carrier might require booking information that you do not have readily available in your ERP or another system. coneksion solution can pull the required data from different places, such as your ERP, WMS, and TMS, combine and clean that information, and forward to the carrier. This same process can also be done in the opposite direction. In addition, coneksion can handle other types of data enrichment or validation. Just explain your specific needs during the setup phase and we will get it done for you!



Fully Managed

You don't have to deal with anyone else to make it work. The solution is fully managed, meaning we will take care of the entire process from the design phase through deployment to maintenance, including onboarding all relevant stakeholders.

No changes to your existing IT system are required

The solution we provide is entirely cloud-based and has a form of a layer added to clients' existing systems, whether those are cloud systems, apps, or legacy systems. When utilizing our service, you don’t need to change your existing solutions. Instead, you can continue using data standards and formats that are convenient for your operations.

Predictable pricing

We offer a predictable, subscription-based model that incurs a one-time setup fee and a monthly payment depending on the volume of monthly data transfers.



Discover how coneksion® can help your business to increase the efficiency of operations.